11|About...> 11-1|About the author|SCFX=1|FORE=15|BACK=0|MARG=28|BINF=AESOP_5.BIN|ROWS=11|TOPR=2|COLS=45 The author of The Electronic Text Publishing System has been developing software since 1989. Our company, Softword Technology, focuses its development efforts in the areas of education, electronic publishing, and electronic marketing. We are very much interested in the feedback from our customers, and we welcome your comments. If we can be of further assistance to you, please feel free to reach us electronically via the Internet at: 74170.3550@compuserve.com To your left is a snapshot of our Chief Executive Office during the recent unveiling and demonstration of E-Text at COMDEX '96. :-) 11-2|Bug-free, money back guarantee!|PCX256 AESOPBUG.PCX AESOPHYP.PCX 11-3|More programs available|SCFX=15|FORE=7|BACK=0|MARG=5 If you like The Electronic Text Publishing System then you may be interested in trying some of the author's other programs. Most of our programs are related to the areas of utilities, productivity, educational and religion. For shareware evaluation copies, you can obtain the latest versions from the following BBS (bulletin board system) if you have a modem: The Mustard Seed BBS^14 Falmouth, VA^10 1200-14.4k N-8-1-ANSI^10 BBS phone number: (540) 372-9680^10 You will find the author's software in the "PKSOFT" subdirectory on The Mustard Seed BBS. You can also find our software on the Internet at our World Wide Web site: http://members.aol.com/shareware/ And if you are an America Online member, you can visit our AOL forum by using keyword "SOFTWORD".